In Depth: The Singapore – Thai DTA
Singapore, long known for its exemplary investment climate and lucrative trading arrangements, continues to improve upon its competitiveness with the implementation of an updated Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) with Thailand. Here, we examine how companies can qualify for lowered withholding rates on their dividends, royalties, and interest payments.
ASEAN Market Watch: Malaysian FTAs, Auto Production in Brunei, and Thai Flights to Laos
In this edition of ASEAN Market Watch we assess the impact of Malaysia’s FTA plans with Hong Kong and the RCEP, analyze the state of Auto production in Brunei, and highlight opening opportunities for aviation investment in Laos.
The Guide to Deregistration in Indonesia
Since the adoption of its new investment law in 2007, Indonesia become a playground for foreign investors. However, several reasons can result in the need for market exit. To facilitate investors who have decided upon this course of action, this article will focus on the deregistration process for PMAs in Indonesia.
ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Foreign Ownership in Indonesia, Burmese Tax Policy, and Scrapped Visa Requirements in Malaysia
In this edition of ASEAN Regualtory Brief we highlight increasing opportunities for foreign ownership in Indonesia, increasing penalties for Burmese tax evasion, and Malaysia’s removal of visa requirements for Chinese Tourists.
ASEAN Market Watch: Cambodian Corruption, Telecoms Bidding in Myanmar, and Increasing Philippine Trade Deficits
In this edition of ASEAN Market Watch we highlight cambodian corruption, discuss Telecoms bidding in Myanmar, and evaluate the impact of growing trade deficits in the Philippines
Thai Financial Reporting Standards: Guidelines for Annual Compliance
Annual reporting and compliance deadlines are rapidly approaching in Thailand. With this in mind, the following article provides an overview on how to ensure compliance with Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS).
Minimum Wages in ASEAN – All You Need to Know in 2016
When comparing wages across countries, investors should be pay close attention to all attributes of wages within a given country as they can differ drastically. To provide insight on these trends and to illuminate the intricacies of ASEAN’s diverse labor market, the following article provides an overview of the regional blocs current wage differentials.
ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Indonesian FDI, Thai Labor Compliance, and Real Estate in Myanmar
In this edition of ASEAN Regulatory Update we highlight increased foreign access to previously closed sectors in Indonesia, assess the impact of Thailand’s new labor codes, and discuss opportunities for investment in Myanmar’s real estate market.
Indonesian ROs: Easy Steps for Successful Establishment
With a total population exceeding 250 million, Indonesia is a great market opportunity for foreign companies seeking to expand their consumer base and bolster production. For those seeking to gather more information on the Indonesian market, the following article outlines the steps required to set up Representative Offices.
AEC in Practice – What Can Foreign Investors Do Now?
Much like the European Union, the ASEAN Economic Community is founded on several unchanging pillars. In the following article we outline the similarities and differences between the regional blocs and highlight ways to make the most of accelerating integration in South East Asia.