Economy & Trade

ASEAN Market Watch: Tax Evasion in Myanmar, Thai Growth Analysis, and Mobile Monitoring of Food Stocks in Indonesia


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we analyze a recent crackdown on tax evasion in Myanmar, discuss the importance of a newly introduced mobile food monitoring platform in the Indonesia, and highlight recent Thai growth figures.

Brexit Implications for ASEAN Based Investors


Brexit is now a reality. Learn how ASEAN’s Investment environment will be impacted by the UK’s Exit from the European Union with analysis on currency volatility, trade agreements, investment opportunities, and risk management strategy.

ASEAN Market Watch: Thai Tourism, Telecoms in Myanmar, and Laos’ Road Link with China


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch discuss tourism in Thailand, highlight Increasing telecoms investment in Myanmar, and analyze the impact of a roadway link between China and Laos

Timor Leste and ASEAN: Understanding the Relationship and Preparing for Investment


ASEAN is increasingly considering Timor Leste as its newest member. If this does come to pass, the nation is likely to benefit on a variety of fronts. Read more as we analyze the nation’s investment climate and key industries.

ASEAN Market Watch: Booming Regional Retail, Improved Prospects for Malaysian Manufacturing, and the Coming of Age of Cambodian Special Economic Zones


In this weeks ASEAN Market Watch we spotlight Cambodia’s Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, discuss improved manufacturing prospects in Malaysia, and analyze optimal retail markets in ASEAN.

Singapore – Australia Announce Updates to Existing FTA


The Singapore-Australia relationship was recently strengthened by the joint announcement of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership on 6 May 2016. Learn how the agreement is set to improve investment options for Australia’s most important trading partner in ASEAN.

ASEAN Market Watch: Service Sector Declines in Singapore, Digital Initiatives in Thailand, and Improving Philippine Investor Confidence


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we analyze declines Singapore’s service sector, highlight newly established ICT incentives in Thailand, and discuss rising investor confidence in The Philippines.

Rodrigo Duterte’s Economic Vision: The Punisher’s Plans for the Philippines


As Philippine president-elect Rodrigo Duterte prepares to take office on June 30, investors and business people both at home and abroad are wary of how he will impact the country’s booming economy. To allay these anxieties, Duterte recently announced an eight-point economic plan.

ASEAN Market Watch: Indonesian Manufacturing, Thai E-Commerce, and the Future of ASEAN’s Digital Economy


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we highlight Indonesian manufacturing, take a look at the future of ASEAN’s digital economy, and discuss recent collaboration between Thai Post and E-commerce Firm Shoppe.

IMF Estimates Philippine Growth to Top 6% in 2016


Spurred on by domestic demand, the Philippine economy is performing best out of the ASEAN-5, according to the IMF’s latest Regional Economic Outlook (REO). Find out how the BPO industry is a part of this trend and will continue to fuel growth into the years to come.

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