Economy & Trade

Malaysia to Open Up To Foreign Auto Manufacturers


As the country seeks to regain its position as an Asian auto hub, Malaysia has eased restrictions in its auto market with foreign investors now being able to manufacture all types of hybrid and electric passenger cars, including small passenger cars. The changes were announced on Monday as part of the country’s new National Automotive Policy (NAP).  […]

Southeast Asian M&A Deals in 2013 Highest on Record


SINGAPORE – According to a recent report from Mergermarket, during the first three quarters of 2013 Southeast Asia saw 273 merger & acquisition deals. Totaling US$49.8 billion, this was the highest result on record in terms of both deal value and deal count on Mergermarket’s records. This is up 4 percent compared to 2012’s Q1-3 result […]

Indonesia’s Ban on Raw Mineral Exports Takes Effect


On Sunday, January 12th, Indonesia’s controversial ban on raw mineral ore exports took effect an hour after President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed off on some eleventh hour exemptions. The rationale behind the ban is to encourage the domestic processing of raw mineral ore into higher value metal products.  The hope is that a greater share […]

Philippine Ports Authority set to Upgrade Infrastructure for ASEAN 2015


The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has announced that it will pursue several major port projects this year in preparation for the Philippines’ integration with the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. PPA General Manager Juan Sta. Ana explained that repairs to ports damaged by typhoon Haiyan and the modernization of ports in Iloilo, General Santos, Cagayan […]

Made in ASEAN: Vietnam Cuts Import Taxes for ASEAN-made Vehicles


Ho Chi Minh City – As of January 1, 2014, vehicles imported from other ASEAN countries to Vietnam are eligible to receive a 10-50 percent tax cut following the 2008 ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA). The new tax rate for vehicles imported into Vietnam from ASEAN nations is displayed in the following chart: ASEAN […]

January 2014 ASEAN Regional Meetings


There are a number of important forums being held in January, including the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Retreat and the Preparatory Meeting of Senior Officials. The key meetings of note for our readers are as follows.

Japan Cements Future Ties with ASEAN


Dec. 27 – During a meeting in Tokyo marking the 40th anniversary of Japan-ASEAN relations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged ¥2 trillion (about US$20 billion) in aid and loans to Southeast Asian countries over the next five years in a move signaling both tighter cooperation between Tokyo and the Southeast Asian block, and an attempt […]

World Economic Forum Assesses ASEAN’s Rising Energy Demand


By Shawn Greene Dec. 26 – The World Economic Forum (WEF) and Accenture have issued the Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report 2014 which assesses energy systems across countries, and examines how the international community can move towards a future of sustainable energy. The 104-page document assesses economic growth, environmental sustainability, and energy security across […]

ASEAN Receives Maritime Security Support


Dec. 17 – Japan and the ASEAN nations strengthened economic and maritime ties this month during the Japan-ASEAN summit held in Tokyo. The gathering of high-level officials pledged to “strengthen regional cooperation frameworks for peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region,” according to a joint-press release issued by the two nations. Following the delegation’s […]

ASEAN Infrastructure Fund Grants First US$25 Million Loan to Indonesia


Dec. 10 – The Asian Development Bank’s new ASEAN Infrastructure Fund (AIF) has granted its inaugural loan to an Indonesian electricity project. The US$25 million loan will go towards developing power links and expanding transmission networks from Java to Bali. Improvements are needed to solve widespread power outages and blackouts that are negatively impacting Indonesia’s […]

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