Philippines to Adopt ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard
Jul. 2 – In preparation for the integration of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, the Philippines has begun to take additional measures to improve the corporate governance of its local companies by fully implementing the use of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS). The ACGS is an ASEAN-wide scorecard used to evaluate companies […]
July 2013 ASEAN Regional Meetings
There are a number of important meetings being held in July, including a series of committee meetings that will address the trade of goods throughout ASEAN and the coordination of investment and services. The key meetings of note for our readers are as follows.
Special Economic Zones in Myanmar
Following its rapid economic growth in the aftermath of democratic and economic reforms, Myanmar began to further facilitate the establishment of special economic zones (SEZs) to foster greater foreign investment.
Report: U.S. Should Prioritize Engagement with ASEAN
Jun. 26 – With a GDP of $2.2 trillion, ASEAN is made up of over 620 million people spanning the 10 nations of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The region is host to the largest inflows of United States (U.S.) foreign direct investment (FDI) in Asia, and […]
China-ASEAN Expo To Strengthen Economic Ties
Jun. 21 – The upcoming China-ASEAN Expo will boost trade and investment relations between China and the 10-nation ASEAN bloc. Cambodian Minister of Commerce Cham Prasidh specifically highlighted the importance of the expo for regional economic growth. “The expo is an international significant event to boost the development of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area,” Prasidh said […]
ASEAN’s Rising Minimum Wage Levels: Indonesia
Investors have complained that the somewhat drastic minimum wage hikes amongst ASEAN nations have hurt the market in terms of global competitiveness. In this article we will discuss the impact of recent minimum wage changes in Indonesia on conducting business in the country.
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard
Jun. 11 – The ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) and the Asian Development Bank recently established a joint initiative called the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard. Corporate governance refers to the system of governance which controls and directs corporations, and monitors their actions and policies. The stated objective of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard is to: […]
Speculation that China May Join TPP Talks
Jun. 7 – With Chinese President Xi Jinping visiting the United States over this upcoming weekend, speculation is growing that as an olive branch to be offered to develop trust between the two countries, China might be invited to join talks over joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. China has been highly critical of the TPP bloc, […]
ASEAN Customs Meeting Held in Singapore
Jun. 7 – From June 4 to 6, Singapore hosted ASEAN’s Customs Directors to greater facilitate regional coordination of their customs operations. The directors will be working to further integrate their customs processes. The customs meeting provides an annual forum to discuss strategy and policy for all ASEAN customs operations. “The meeting is an annual […]
June 2013 ASEAN Regional Meetings
A number of important meetings are being held in June that will address transportation and nuclear non-proliferation agreements among ASEAN nations, as well as meetings with other regional Asian partners. The key meetings of note for our readers are as follows.