Economy & Trade

June 2013 ASEAN Regional Meetings


A number of important meetings are being held in June that will address transportation and nuclear non-proliferation agreements among ASEAN nations, as well as meetings with other regional Asian partners. The key meetings of note for our readers are as follows.

ASEAN SMEs Bolstered After Singapore-Japan MoU


May 29 – Japanese and Singaporean SMEs are set to receive a boost after a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was inked this week between SPRING Singapore, Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC), and the Mizuho Corporate Bank (MHCB). The agreement will support business collaboration between the two countries through the facilitation of investment and sharing […]

New Issue of Vietnam Briefing: Re-evaluating Your Vietnam Representative Office


This issue of Vietnam Briefing examines ROs – the processes of working with them, and the rationale for either upgrading or closing them. We explain not just how to close up your RO, but also list out the common reasons for doing so.

EU Lends its Support to ASEAN Over South China Sea Disputes


May 24 – Officials in the Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) have recently confirmed that senior officials from the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) met with officials from the European Union (EU) in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City to discuss the issue of territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Currently there are numerous […]

Impact Investing in Asia


May 24 – Impact investing is a growing trend in the worldwide economic market. This relatively new concept, which first came to light in 2007 at a Rockefeller Foundation meeting, is the process of a company or individuals investing in other companies, funds or organizations to generate not only financial profit, but also social or […]

First Round of RCEP Negotiations Conclude


The first round of negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) wrapped up on Sunday after being launched by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and six free trade agreement (FTA) partners last week.

Philippines Calls For Integrated ASEAN Customs Union


May 9 – The 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Customs (CCC) opened this week at the Clark Freeport Zone in the northern Philippine province of Pampanga. During the key note presentation, Philippine Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon highlighted the important role played by the various customs agencies in Southeast Asia in establishing a […]

Indonesia Ponders TPP Membership


The Indonesian government has shown interest in joining the United States-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), saying that its entry into the TPP negotiations would depend on trade agreements with key partners in the region.

Timor Leste Looks to Join ASEAN


Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said last Friday that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will allow Timor Leste to partake in future ASEAN meetings and summits. ASEAN member states have increasingly taken an interest in approving Timor Leste to be ASEAN’s 11th member.

ASEAN to Launch Business Traveler Card By 2015


The leaders of ASEAN have agreed to launch an ASEAN business traveler card by 2015, allowing frequent business travelers from ASEAN countries to stay for months at a time in other ASEAN countries without the need to obtain a visa.

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