May 2013 ASEAN Regional Meetings
A number of important meetings are being held this month that will address trade and regulatory issues affecting global and regional foreign investment with ASEAN. The key ones of note for our readers are as follows.
ASEAN and Chinese Foreign Ministers to Meet Over South China Sea Claims
Apr. 30 – In the aftermath of the ASEAN summit in Brunei, it appears that conscious steps have been taken to make progress towards lowering tensions in the South China Sea, with China proposing a meeting with ASEAN Foreign Ministers to discuss a code of conduct governing the area. ASEAN has long wanted to confront […]
ASEAN Summit in Brunei: AEC and the South China Sea
The leaders of the ASEAN countries converged on Brunei Darussalam this week for the 22nd summit of the regional grouping. On top of the agenda was further facilitation of the economic integration process that aims to unite the countries in the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.
EU Removes Sanctions Against Myanmar
On Monday this week, the foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) permanently ended the majority of its sanctions against Myanmar, with support for removing them permanently growing in step with recent democratic, economic and human rights reforms in the country.
China-ASEAN Expo to be Held in Nanning this September
Focus on China-Malaysian Bilateral Trade Apr. 18 – The 10th China-ASEAN Expo 2013 (CAEXPO) will be held in Nanning, Guangxi Province in China, from September 23 to 26, 2013. The CAEXPO, co-organized annually since 2004 by China and ASEAN, has been credited as an effective platform to promote cooperation between China and ASEAN member countries […]
Welcome to ASEAN Briefing!
Welcome to ASEAN Briefing, a new site constructed in a library and archive format, where we have collected the various and increasing number of tax treaties and FDI policies that ASEAN and its individual members states have with other nations. Our news section will specifically concentrate on these treaties and agreements, ensuring that our audience is kept up to date on any new developments.
Introduction to the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement
The ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement entered into force on March 29, 2012, aiming to create a free and open investment environment through the consolidation and expansion of existing agreements between the ASEAN member countries.
Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam
In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we discuss why China is no longer the only solution for export-driven businesses, and how the evolution of trade in Asia is determining that locations such as Vietnam and India represent competitive alternatives.
Are You Ready For ASEAN 2015?
In our first ever issue of Asia Briefing magazine, we focus on the new dawn that ASEAN free trade brings to the entire region, as well as the dramatic added impact of pan-Asian free trade agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
ASEAN-India Free Trade Area Part IV: Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia
In the fourth and final part of our ASEAN-India Free Trade Area analysis, we will examine trade trends and statistics from India to Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.