The Philippines CREATE Act Comes into Effect, Pushing for Accelerated Economic Recovery
The CREATE Act is a time-bound and tailor-made set of corporate and tax reforms to counter the effects of COVID-19 on the Philippines’ economy.
Changes to Social Security Rates in Indonesia for 2021
Indonesia has increased its social security premiums for Class III participants but has reduced the maximum wage base for pensions for 2021.
Singapore Faces Succession Setback, but Should be Business as Usual
On April 8, 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced that he will step aside as the successor to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Significant Changes for Contract Workers
Indonesia’s GR 35/2021 stipulates significant changes to fixed-term employment contracts, outsourcing, hours of work, and the termination of employment procedure.
Vietnam Unveils New Criteria for Hi-tech Enterprises: Decision 10
The government issued Decision No. 10/2021/QD-TTg which details criteria for identifying hi-tech businesses.
An Overview of Malaysia’s Investment Corridors
Malaysia is home to five investment corridors, which offer their own distinct investment roadmaps.
Opportunities in Indonesia’s Financial Technology Sector
Indonesia’s fintech industry is one of the most competitive and dynamic in ASEAN. The country is home to 20 percent of all fintech companies in the Southeast Asian bloc.
Company Chops in Vietnam: Sealing the Deal
An official company seal or chop is used for legally authorizing documentation issued by companies, or agencies.
Cambodia Issues Eighth Round of Economic Relief Measures for Private Sector
Cambodia issued its latest economic relief measures, comprising of financial aid for suspended workers and the suspension of tax obligations.
Transfer Pricing in Indonesia: A Guide for Foreign Investors
Indonesia endorses the arm’s length principle as the standard guide to transfer pricing.