
The Guide to Corporate Establishment in Indonesia


Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and has the fourth largest population in the world, thus understanding the corporate establishment avenues available to investors is crucial.

The Upcoming AEC Compliance Deadline


The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) compliance deadline is due at the end of December this year. The implications are many, and not all ASEAN states are equally ready for this looming deadline.

Foreign Investment Restrictions across ASEAN: An Overview of the Region’s “Negative Lists” – Part Three


In this final installment of FDI restrictions in ASEAN, ASEAN Briefing takes a closer look at the region’s investment “negative lists” and restrictions affecting the operations of foreign businesses.

The Philippines Works Towards National e-Payment System


With one of Asia’s largest populations of social media users, moves by the Philippines to create a national e-payments system bodes well for investment opportunities in the country’s e-commerce sector.

Women in the Workplace in ASEAN – Part Two


The employment level for women throughout the ASEAN region is important for foreign investors and international companies to understand and anticipate, and can impact the flow of FDI regionally.

Incentives for Renewable Energy Investment in ASEAN


In this article ASEAN Briefing will look at the tax and other incentives provided to companies seeking to invest in renewable energy in Singapore, as well as examine those of other countries within ASEAN.

Foreign Investment Restrictions across ASEAN: An Overview of the Region’s “Negative Lists” – Part Two


In this second installment of FDI restrictions in ASEAN, ASEAN Briefing takes a closer look at the region’s investment “negative lists” and restrictions affecting the operations of foreign businesses.

Renewable Energy and Investment in ASEAN


Last month ASEAN member states met in Kuala Lumpur for the 33rd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting and agreed to look to renewable energies as a way to solve lack of electricity in some of their communities.

An Overview of IFRS Adoption in ASEAN – Part Three


In the final installment on the Association of South East Asian Nation’s (ASEAN) adoption of IFRS, ASEAN Briefing touches on the state of harmonization in the Philippines as well as the regional bloc’s frontier economies.

Breaking the Mold: FDI Opportunities in ASEAN’s Plastics Industry


With ASEAN’s rapidly developing middle class and subsequent increased consumption of plastics, the sector’s production rates have witnessed a steady nine percent annual growth over the recent years – presenting a new FDI opportunity.

Showing 10 of 1066 articles
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  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore 2022
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022
  • Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022
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