
State by State – ASEAN and Pennsylvania Trade


Pennsylvania is an important economic player within the US and the world. The state’s service industry and hi-tech manufacturers stand to benefit from the TPP and look to ASEAN as an increasingly important trade partner.

State by State – ASEAN and Ohio Trade


Ohio is a major state economy in the US thanks to the trade relationships Ohio-based companies have with other countries. ASEAN in particular has been a key trade partner with future potential for growing trade links under the TPP.

Singapore Qualifies as ASEAN Hub for Fast Track Patent Applications


Singapore is the first nation in ASEAN qualified to accept and process fast track patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The new services provide businesses a cost effective alternative to preexisting PCT offices.

Indonesian FDI Highest Among ASEAN Members in First Half of 2015


With growing uncertainty over China’s economic stability, recent FDI statistics released by the Financial Times come as a reassurance that investors are taking a more pragmatic, nuanced approach towards risk mitigation in Asia.

Singapore’s Social Security Requirements – What a Foreign Employer Should be Aware of


Singapore has one of the world’s most transparent and honest retirement systems. Its mandatory social security system, the Central Provident Fund (CPF), strives to provide eligible contributors with a safe and secure retirement.

Singapore’s New Amendments to the Companies Act: the Annual Audit Exemptions for Small Firms Explained


Qualifying small companies in Singapore can now benefit by foregoing a yearly financial burden – annual audits. The new regulations arise from the amendment of Singapore’s Companies Act in October, 2014 – the most sweeping change made since the law’s original promulgation in 1967.

The Future of ASEAN-India Trade Looks Bright


Trade between ASEAN and India has seen strong growth over recent years. In 2014, total trade amounted to US$77 billion, a significant increase over the US$44 billion seen during 2009-10. Over the past decade, bilateral trade has increased at an average annual rate of a blistering 23 percent.

The Three Most Common IPR Mistakes for SMEs in ASEAN


There are very few SMEs that would not take the issue of intellectual property rights (IPR) seriously in their home countries, but IPR legislation can be opaque when they move overseas. Here we take a look at the top 3 IPR mistakes SMEs make in ASEAN.

UK Prime Minister Cameron’s ASEAN Trip Reflects Growing Trade Links and Opportunities


Last week, David Cameron capped off a five day long tour of South East Asia to discuss trade with the UK. The region, which has outpaced global growth by over two percent over the past two decades, is attractive to UK businesses seeking markets beyond the EU.

Prevention Not Cure: Understanding Online IPR in ASEAN


E-commerce in ASEAN today is relatively underdeveloped. However, a study undertaken by AT Kearney predicts that as purchasing power parity in the region increases and internet penetration spreads, online retail in ASEAN markets could rise by around 25 percent annually.

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