Malaysia’s Public Holidays for 2023
ASEAN Briefing outlines Malaysia’s public holidays for 2023. This is a comprehensive list of those holidays and the states they apply to.
Singapore’s Public Holidays for 2023
Singapore’s public holidays for 2023 were released in April 2022. In total, it has 14 days for 10 public holidays (instead of the gazetted 11 public holidays). The President of Singapore can declare any day a public holiday. If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following day is usually declared a public holiday, […]
Indonesia Increases the Minimum Wage for 2023
Indonesia’s Ministry of Manpower announced that minimum wages across the country will increase by a maximum of 10 percent for 2023.
New Health Insurance Requirement for Short Term Foreign Workers in Indonesia
Foreign workers in Indonesia on short-term work permits are now required to obtain health insurance.
Indonesia Relaunches Multiple Entry Visa Service
Indonesia’s Directorate General of Immigration officially relaunched the multiple entry visa service on November 28, 2022.
Malaysia Introduces Electronic Option for the Renewal of Employment Passes
Malaysia will introduce the option for Employment Pass holders to renew their permits electronically from December 1, 2022.
Thailand Increases Daily Minimum Wage Rates for 2022
Thailand has increased the daily minimum wage rates across all its provinces by an average of five percent.
Cambodia Opens Foreign Employee Quota Application for 2023
Cambodia has opened the foreign employee quota application for businesses for 2023.
Malaysia Launches New Social Visit Pass
Malaysia has recently launched a new social visit pass named PLS@XPATS, which allows social visit pass holders to work in the country for up to 30 days.
Cambodia Increases Minimum Wage for Textile and Garment Sectors for 2023
Cambodia has increased the monthly minimum wage to US$200 from the current US$194.