
The Philippines Export Development Plan: Addressing Obstacles to Trade


Seeking to maximize its position within ASEAN, the Philippines has announced stimulus measures aimed at readjusting its export sector. Outlined in the recently passed Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP), the success of these reforms will likely play a significant role in the island nation’s business landscape in the coming months.

ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Mobile Taxes in Myanmar, Philippine Air Cargo Requirements, and ASEAN Food Standards


In this week’s Regulatory Brief, we highlight a new tax on cellphone usage in Myanmar, discuss new procedures for customs registration in the Philippines, and highlight the increasing possibility of ASEAN-wide food standards.

ASEAN Market Watch: Indonesian Cinema, Economic Stimulus in Thailand, and Foreign Workers in Malaysia


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we highlight opportunities in Indonesia’s growing cinema sector, discuss the importance of Thai stimulus measures, and analyze the impact of foreign employment within Malaysia.

ASEAN Market Watch: Slipping Industrial Confidence in Thailand, Philippine Air Expansion, and the Looming Threat of Malaysian Debt


Thailand: Industrial Confidence Dips First Time in Five Months Thai industrial confidence has dipped for the first time in five months. Drawing on data accumulated in January of 2016, Suphan Mongkolsuthee, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), indicated that the Thai Industries Sentiment Index (TOSO)  dropped from 87.5 in December 2015 to 86.3 as of […]

ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Liberalized Philippine Aviation, Thai Visa Policy, and Hotel License Bans in Malaysia


In this week’s ASEAN Regulatory Brief we discuss emerging opportunities in Philippine aviation, discuss the implications of increased Thai enforcement of visa policy, and highlight limitations on hotel construction projects within Malaysia.

ASEAN Market Watch: Cambodian Corruption, Telecoms Bidding in Myanmar, and Increasing Philippine Trade Deficits


In this edition of ASEAN Market Watch we highlight cambodian corruption, discuss Telecoms bidding in Myanmar, and evaluate the impact of growing trade deficits in the Philippines

Minimum Wages in ASEAN – All You Need to Know in 2016


When comparing wages across countries, investors should be pay close attention to all attributes of wages within a given country as they can differ drastically. To provide insight on these trends and to illuminate the intricacies of ASEAN’s diverse labor market, the following article provides an overview of the regional blocs current wage differentials.

The Guide to Corporate Establishment in the Philippines


Annual growth in the Philippines has been projected to exceed six percent in 2016, making the nation one of ASEAN’s most attractive destinations for investment. With this in mind, ASEAN Briefing outlines procedures required for successful establishment within the archipelago.

ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Philippines’ New Tax Treaties, FDI Changes for Myanmar, and Ride Hailing Apps in Indonesia


In this edition of ASEAN Regulatory Brief, ASEAN Briefing takes a closer look at new tax treaties negotiated by the Philippines, changes to Myanmar’s foreign investment laws, and ride hailing services in Indonesia.

ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Cambodian Company Registration, New Philippine Levies, and Indonesian Tax Holidays


This edition of ASEAN Regulatory Brief features new company registration methods in Cambodia, a new levy in the Philippines, and an Indonesian tax holiday.

Showing 10 of 133 articles
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