ASEAN Market Watch: Tax Evasion in Myanmar, Thai Growth Analysis, and Mobile Monitoring of Food Stocks in Indonesia
In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we analyze a recent crackdown on tax evasion in Myanmar, discuss the importance of a newly introduced mobile food monitoring platform in the Indonesia, and highlight recent Thai growth figures.
ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Import Licensing in Myanmar, Thai Telecom Regulations, and Indonesian Tax Amnesty
In this week’s ASEAN Regulatory Brief we highlight the passage of Indonesia’s tax amnesty law, discuss the importance of new telecom regulations in Thailand, and analyze changes to import licensing guidelines in Myanmar
Rooting Out Slave Labor: An Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing in ASEAN
When investing in emerging markets to lower costs, exploitative labor practices are always a reputational concern. Learn which ASEAN markets will allow you to retain a cost advantage over your competitors while producing goods in a sustainably manner.
Indonesia Promotes ASEAN Minimum Wage
In the wake of Indonesia’s proposal for an ASEAN wide minimum wage, we assess the impact of such an arrangement and provide insight on the likelihood of its passage.
ASEAN Market Watch: Service Sector Declines in Singapore, Digital Initiatives in Thailand, and Improving Philippine Investor Confidence
In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we analyze declines Singapore’s service sector, highlight newly established ICT incentives in Thailand, and discuss rising investor confidence in The Philippines.
ASEAN Legal and Tax Alert: Developments in Mekong Tax & Financing
Recent events have seen significant movement in tax and financing regulation within the Mekong region. Read more for analysis on Thailand’s Business Collateral Act, Myanmar’s Union Tax Law of 2016, and Cambodia’s most recent guidance on VAT invoicing.
ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Cambodian Corruption, Due Diligence in Singapore, and a Thai Uber Ban
In this week’s ASEAN Regulatory Brief we highlight efforts to improve transparency in Cambodia, discuss a recent Thai ban on Uber, and analyze stricter due diligence guidelines in Singapore.
Trade Mark Law in Thailand: Guidelines for Registration and Enforcement
Heavily trade-dependent, Thailand exports over EUR 93.5 billion worth of goods and services annually. For those considering the Kingdom as a source of production, trade mark protections afforded can be a significant asset in the safegaurding of designs and maintenance of profits.
ASEAN Market Watch: Indonesian Manufacturing, Thai E-Commerce, and the Future of ASEAN’s Digital Economy
In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we highlight Indonesian manufacturing, take a look at the future of ASEAN’s digital economy, and discuss recent collaboration between Thai Post and E-commerce Firm Shoppe.
ASEAN Regulatory Brief: Thai Insurance, Malaysian Finance Law, and Impending Tech Regulation in Indonesia
In this week’s ASEAN Regulatory Brief we highlight the regulation of e-insurance in Thailand, discuss emerging P2P finance standards in Malaysia, and analyze the likely impact of impending financial tech legislation in Indonesia.