Tax & Accounting

New Tax Measures Impacting Businesses and Individuals in Malaysia’s Budget 2022


Malaysia unveiled a variety of tax measures in its new budget that will impact businesses and individuals in 2022.

Vietnam Issues New VAT Rate for Imported Medical Equipment


Vietnam’s Circular 43 implements a reduction in the value-added tax rate for imported medical equipment from 10 percent to five percent.

Indonesia Passes Major Tax Overhaul Bill


Indonesia’s parliament has approved the Harmonized Tax Law, which will overhaul the existing tax structure.

Minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate: Implications for Singapore


With the global minimum corporate tax rate set to take effect, there will the implications for foreign investments in Singapore.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: New Tax Treatment to Support Ease of Doing Business


Learn about new income tax exemptions for foreign dividends received by domestic taxpayers, reduced WHT on bond interest, and other tax law amendments.

Stamp Duty in Indonesia: New Law in Effect


On January 1, 2021, Indonesia’s Law No. 10 of 2020 on Stamp Duty (the “Law”) came into effect, replacing the previous stamp duty law from 1985.

A Guide to Withholding Taxes in Singapore


Withholding taxes in Singapore are low by global standards, in line with the city-state’s reputation for business-friendly policies.

Philippines and Brunei Sign Double Tax Avoidance Treaty


The Philippines and Brunei have signed a double taxation avoidance treaty that will eliminate double taxation on the income generated from cross-border transactions.

Circular 45 Sets Out New Rules on Advance Pricing Agreements in Vietnam


Vietnam’s Circular 45 sets the new rules on the Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) mechanism in Vietnam. Circular 45 entered into force on August 3, 2021.

The Updated Indonesia-Singapore Tax Treaty Enters into Force


On July 23, 2021, the updated Indonesia-Singapore double taxation agreement entered into force, strengthening efforts to prevent tax evasion, and increase investments between the two countries.

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