Tax & Accounting

The Philippines Imposes New 12% VAT Rate on Exporters


The Philippines’ Revenue Regulation No. 9-2021, which introduces a 12 percent value-added tax (VAT) rate on certain sales transactions that were previously taxed at zero percent.

Cambodia Issues Ninth Round of Stimulus Measures


Cambodia unveiled its ninth round of stimulus measures to support businesses andhouseholds as the country grapples with a sudden surge in COVID infections.

Vietnam Issues Guidance on Electronic Tax Payment Transactions: Circular 19


Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) has issued Circular 19/2021/TT-BTC (Circular 19) guiding regulations on electronic tax transactions.

Personal Income Tax in Vietnam: Exemptions and Reductions


Vietnam’s Law on Personal Income Tax recognizes different categories of income, with a host of deductions, and tax rates, applying to each of them.

The Philippines CREATE Act Comes into Effect, Pushing for Accelerated Economic Recovery


The CREATE Act is a time-bound and tailor-made set of corporate and tax reforms to counter the effects of COVID-19 on the Philippines’ economy.

Transfer Pricing in Indonesia: A Guide for Foreign Investors


Indonesia endorses the arm’s length principle as the standard guide to transfer pricing.

GST Changes in Singapore for 2021: How Should Businesses Prepare


Singapore has delayed the increase of the goods and sales tax (GST) for 2021 and has extended GST rules to include low-value goods imported via air or post.

Philippines Launches FIST Act to Protect Banks and Financial Institutions


The government approved the Financial Institutions Strategic Transfer (FIST) Act to help dispose NPAs and NPLs of banks and financial institutions.

Indirect Tax and Stamp Duty Measures in Malaysia for 2021


Malaysia has introduced a variety of indirect tax and stamp duty measures in its 2021 national budget that businesses should be aware of.

Individual Income Tax Amendments in Malaysia for 2021


Malaysia’s government has introduced several income tax amendments that will impact individual taxpayers for 2021.

Showing 10 of 281 articles
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