ASEAN Briefing News

ASEAN Market Watch: Malaysia Tourism, Thailand’s Railway Network, and Laos’ Economic Growth Forecast


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we discuss increasing Chinese tourism in Malaysia, highlight plans for expansion of Thailand’s railway net work, and analyze economic growth forecasts for Laos.

ASEAN Market Watch: Philippine Tourism, Indonesian Tax Amnesty, and Tax Rules in Thailand


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we highlight Increasing Chinese tourism in the Philippines, analyze the success of Indonesian tax amnesty, and discuss new Thai tax rules for internet companies.

ASEAN Market Watch: Fintech in Singapore, Declining Philippine Exports, and Google’s Tax Troubles in Indonesia


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we discuss fintech in Singapore, analyze declining Philippine exports, and highlight Google’s tax troubles in Indonesia

ASEAN Market Watch: Self-Driving Cars in Singapore, Thai Medical Tourism, and Unemployment in the Philippines


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch, we discuss self-driving cars in Singapore, highlight growing Thai medical tourism, and analyze unemployment reduction plans in the Philippines.

ASEAN Market Watch: Indian SEZs in Myanmar, US Increasing Engagement in Cambodia, and Innovation in the Philippines


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we look at Indian sponsored SEZs in Myanmar, highlight Increasing US engagement in Cambodia, and discuss recent moves up the Global Innovation Index by the Philippines

ASEAN Market Watch: Malaysian Double Taxation, Property in Myanmar, and Investment Initiatives in the Philippines


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we analyze Malaysia’s DTA with the Ukraine, discuss Myanmar’s property market, and highlight new investment initiatives in the Philippines

ASEAN Market Watch: Tourism in Myanmar, Thailand 4.0, and Service Sector Growth in Singapore


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we discuss tourism in Myanmar, highlight the impending implementation of Thailand 4.0, and analyze the drivers behind Singapore’s thriving service industry.

ASEAN Market Watch: Tax Evasion in Myanmar, Thai Growth Analysis, and Mobile Monitoring of Food Stocks in Indonesia


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch we analyze a recent crackdown on tax evasion in Myanmar, discuss the importance of a newly introduced mobile food monitoring platform in the Indonesia, and highlight recent Thai growth figures.

ASEAN Market Watch: Thai Tourism, Telecoms in Myanmar, and Laos’ Road Link with China


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch discuss tourism in Thailand, highlight Increasing telecoms investment in Myanmar, and analyze the impact of a roadway link between China and Laos

ASEAN Market Watch: Booming Regional Retail, Improved Prospects for Malaysian Manufacturing, and the Coming of Age of Cambodian Special Economic Zones


In this weeks ASEAN Market Watch we spotlight Cambodia’s Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, discuss improved manufacturing prospects in Malaysia, and analyze optimal retail markets in ASEAN.

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