
Comprehensive Guide to Singapore Work Passes

Securing the correct work pass is an essential first step for anyone aiming to work in Singapore. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) administers a range of work passes tailored to different types of employment and professional qualifications.

This process not only ensures compliance with local regulations but also grants access to various benefits and protections under Singaporean law.

Work pass categories


Singapore's work pass system is categorized based on professional levels and skill sets. This structured approach ensures that the right talent is matched with appropriate roles, supporting both economic growth and regulatory compliance. The main categories are:

  • Work Passes for Professionals are tailored for highly skilled individuals such as managers, executives, and specialized professionals.
  • Work Passes for Skilled and Semi-Skilled Workers cater to mid-level skilled workers and those in specific sectors like construction and manufacturing.
  • Work Passes for Trainees and Students are aimed at individuals undergoing training or pursuing educational opportunities.
  • Short-term Work Passes are designed for temporary engagements such as attending seminars or short-term projects.

Work Passes comparison

For professionals

Employment Pass

The Employment Pass (EP) is designed for foreign professionals, managers, and executives who wish to work in Singapore. To qualify, applicants must earn a minimum monthly salary of S$5,000 (US$3,710), with higher qualifications required for older and more experienced candidates.

The EP provides benefits such as the ability to bring family members on Dependant's Passes and eligibility for permanent residency over time. The application process involves submitting educational and professional qualifications along with a detailed job description.

Personalized Employment Pass

The Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) offers greater flexibility compared to the standard Employment Pass. It is available to high-earning existing EP holders or foreign professionals earning at least S$22,500 (US$16,730) monthly or S$270,000 (US$200,653) per calendar year, regardless of the employment duration.

The PEP is not tied to a specific employer, allowing holders to switch jobs without reapplying for a new pass, as long as they remain within Singapore's employment guidelines. This pass also extends the duration of time one can stay in Singapore between jobs, providing more stability during job transitions.


The EntrePass is targeted at innovative entrepreneurs, startup founders, and investors looking to establish businesses in Singapore. Applicants must have started or intend to start a solid business plan that is registered with ACRA.

If the registered company has been established for more than 12 months at the time of application, your eligibility will be assessed based on the renewal criteria. To qualify, you must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • You have secured at least SG$100,000 (US$74,306) in a single funding round from investors for any past or current business venture.
  • The business is, or will be, supported by an incubator or accelerator that is either:
    • Government-recognised; or,
    • Internationally renowned.
  • You have founded and successfully sold a venture-backed business or a company that owns innovative technologies.
  • The registered or proposed business holds Intellectual Property (IP) that is registered with an approved national IP institution.
  • The business has an ongoing research collaboration in Singapore with at least one of the following:
    • An Institute of Higher Learning (IHL); or,
    • A Research Institution (RI).

There are no foreign worker quotas or levies. The EntrePass provides a pathway to permanent residency, making it an attractive option for business-minded individuals.

ONE Pass

The Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass) is designed to attract top-tier talent in various fields, including business, arts and culture, sports, academia, and research. This pass offers significant flexibility and numerous benefits for high-caliber individuals looking to contribute to Singapore's dynamic economy.

To be eligible for the ONE Pass, candidates must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Candidates must have earned, or secured a job offer with a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 (US$22,297) for the last 12 consecutive months from a single employer. If the candidate has been employed by more than one employer over the past year, the qualifying salary must be from a single employer to meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Candidates who do not meet the salary requirement may still be eligible if they have significant achievements in specific sectors such as sports, arts and culture, academia, or research. These achievements are evaluated holistically by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and other relevant agencies.

The ONE Pass is initially granted for five years and is renewable for subsequent five-year periods. To qualify for renewal, candidates must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Maintain an average monthly salary of at least S$30,000 (US$22,297) over the past five years in Singapore.
  • Establish and operate a Singapore-based company that employs at least five local employees, each earning a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000 (US$3,715).

For skilled and semi-skilled workers

S Pass

The S Pass caters to mid-level skilled workers, requiring a minimum monthly salary of S$3,150 (US$ 2,340). Applicants are assessed based on qualifications, job type, and work experience. S Pass holders are subject to foreign worker quotas and levies, ensuring a balanced workforce.

This pass is particularly relevant for sectors such as manufacturing, construction, and service industries.

Work Permits

Work Permits are issued to semi-skilled workers in specific sectors like construction, manufacturing, and domestic work. These permits have sub-categories tailored to the needs of each sector:

  • Work Permit for Foreign Workers applies to various sectors, with specific quotas and levies.
  • Work Permit for Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) is designed for domestic helpers from approved countries, with age and nationality criteria.
  • Work Permit for Confinement Nannies available to Malaysian nannies for up to 16 weeks post-childbirth.
  • Work Permit for Performing Artists in entertainment venues, subject to quotas and levies.

For trainees and students

Training Employment Pass

This pass is for foreign professionals undergoing short-term training in Singapore. It is valid for up to three months and is exempt from foreign worker levies and quotas. It’s ideal for professionals looking to gain experience or skills through a structured training program.

Work Holiday Pass

The Work Holiday Pass is part of the Working Holiday Programme, available to young people from specific countries aged 18-25 (or up to 30 for Australians). It allows them to work and holiday in Singapore for up to six months (one year for Australians). This pass provides a unique opportunity to experience life in Singapore while gaining work experience.

Training Work Permit

The Training Work Permit is for unskilled or semi-skilled trainees undergoing practical training in Singapore. It is valid for up to six months and is ideal for those looking to gain hands-on experience in a real-world setting.

Short-term work passes

Miscellaneous Work Pass

The Miscellaneous Work Pass is for foreign nationals engaged in short-term activities like seminars, conferences, or journalistic assignments. It is valid for up to 60 days and allows the holder to undertake specific work-related activities during their stay in Singapore.

The application process for Singapore work passes

Pre-application requirements

Securing a job offer prior to application

Securing a job offer is a crucial first step. This is because the work pass application process is initiated and managed by your prospective employer or an authorized employment agency. Without a confirmed job offer, you cannot proceed with the application for a work pass.

Employers and employment agencies

Employers and employment agencies play a pivotal role in the work pass application process. They are responsible for submitting the application through the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) online platform, known as EP Online. This process involves paying the necessary fees, providing detailed information about the job and the candidate, and ensuring that all required documentation is in order.

Step-by-step application procedure

Step 1: Securing a job offer

The journey begins with obtaining a job offer from a Singapore-based employer. This is essential as the employer will be the one to initiate the work pass application.

Step 2: Submission of application

Once you have a job offer, your employer or an employment agency will submit the work pass application through EP Online. This includes providing details about the job, your qualifications, and paying the processing fee.

Step 3: In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter

If the application is approved, the employer will receive an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter. This letter serves as your entry pass to Singapore and includes important information such as the validity period and specific entry requirements.

Step 4: Travel to Singapore

Using the IPA letter, you can travel to Singapore. It is advisable to carry this letter with you as it will be needed upon arrival.

Step 5: Issuance of Work Pass

Upon arrival, your employer or the employment agency will complete the formalities for issuing the work pass through EP Online. Another fee is required at this stage for the issuance of the pass.

Step 6: Notification Letter

Once the work pass is issued, a notification letter is provided. This letter includes details on whether biometric registration (photo and fingerprints) is needed and serves as a temporary work pass until the Employment Card is received.

Step 7: Registration at Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC)

Within two weeks of receiving the notification letter, you must register at the EPSC. This involves completing biometric registration if required.

Step 8: Collection of Pass Card

After registration, the Employment Pass Card is typically ready for collection within four working days. This card is your official work permit in Singapore.

Processing times for work pass applications can vary, but generally, it takes around 3-8 weeks for the initial approval. During this period, the employer might be asked to provide additional information or documentation to support the application. Once approved, the IPA letter is usually valid for six months, giving you ample time to relocate and complete the necessary post-arrival formalities.

Post-arrival formalities

After arriving in Singapore with your IPA letter, several post-arrival steps are essential to finalize your work pass status.

Did You Know
One of the critical steps is registering your biometrics at the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC).

This involves providing your photograph and fingerprints, which are necessary for the issuance of the official Employment Pass Card. Once your biometrics are registered, you will receive your Employment Pass Card within a few days. This card is a vital document that you must always carry as proof of your legal work status in Singapore. It also allows you to enter and exit Singapore freely during your employment period.

Bringing family members

Dependent's Pass


The Dependent's Pass (DP) allows eligible work pass holders to bring their immediate family members, specifically married spouses and children under the age of 21, to live in Singapore. To qualify for a Dependent's Pass, the primary work pass holder must earn a minimum monthly salary of S$6,000 (US$ 4,400). This requirement ensures that the principal applicant has sufficient means to support their dependents during their stay in Singapore.

Application process

The application process for a Dependent's Pass involves several steps:

  • The employer or an authorized employment agency must submit the DP application on behalf of the work pass holder through the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) EP Online system.
  • Essential documents include copies of the dependents’ passports, marriage certificates for spouses, and birth certificates for children. Additionally, the employer must provide a letter of sponsorship.
  • Once the application is submitted, it typically takes about three weeks for processing. Upon approval, an In-Principal Approval (IPA) letter is issued, allowing dependents to enter Singapore.
  • After arriving in Singapore, dependents must complete any required formalities, such as medical examinations, and collect their Dependent's Pass cards.


Dependents holding a DP have the right to live in Singapore if the primary work pass holder maintains valid employment. While they are not automatically permitted to work, they can apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) if they wish to take up employment. This flexibility provides an opportunity for dependents to contribute to the household income and gain work experience in Singapore.

Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP)


For family members who do not meet the criteria for a Dependent's Pass, such as common-law spouses, unmarried handicapped children above 21, or stepchildren, the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) offers an alternative. The LTVP allows these dependents to join their family members working in Singapore. To be eligible, the primary work pass holder must again meet the minimum salary threshold of S$6,000 (US$ 4,400) per month.

Application process

The application process for the LTVP is similar to that of the Dependent's Pass:

  • Applications are submitted online via the MOM’s EP Online system by the employer or an employment agency.
  • Required documents include copies of the dependents’ passports and any relevant supporting documents such as birth or marriage certificates and letters explaining the relationship.
  • The processing time for an LTVP is also around three weeks. Upon approval, an IPA letter is issued to facilitate the dependent’s entry into Singapore.
  • Once in Singapore, dependents must finalize their LTVP by undergoing any necessary medical checks and collecting their pass cards.


Dependents holding an LTVP are allowed to reside in Singapore for the duration of the primary work pass holder’s employment. Similar to the Dependent's Pass, LTVP holders can apply for a Letter of Consent if they wish to work in Singapore. This ensures that dependents have the opportunity to engage in professional activities and integrate more fully into Singaporean society.

Maintaining compliance

To maintain legal employment status in Singapore, work pass holders must adhere to a series of compliance requirements set forth by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). These regulations are designed to ensure that foreign workers remain eligible for their respective passes and that their employment conditions are consistently aligned with Singapore’s labor laws.

Key compliance requirements

  • Work pass holders must remain in the job role specified in their pass application and meet the minimum salary criteria. Any significant changes in job scope or salary must be reported to MOM.
  • It is mandatory to keep MOM informed of any changes in residential address. This ensures that all communications are accurately directed.
  • Holders must comply with all conditions attached to their work pass, including not engaging in unauthorized employment or violating any Singaporean laws.
  • In some sectors, ongoing professional development and certification updates are required to maintain the validity of the work pass. This is particularly relevant in fields such as healthcare and engineering.
  • Employers must ensure that the employment terms, including salary and job responsibilities, comply with the initial work pass application. Employers are also responsible for timely renewal applications and maintaining accurate records.


The renewal of work passes is a critical process that must be initiated well before the current pass expires. Here are the key steps involved in the renewal process:

Advance notification

MOM typically sends a renewal notification to employers three months before the pass expiry. It is advisable to start the renewal process as soon as this notification is received.

Online application

Renewal applications are submitted through EP Online. The application should include updated employment details and any changes in the worker’s personal information.

Supporting documents

Employers must provide relevant documents such as the latest salary details, job description, and any required certifications. These documents help verify that the employee still meets the eligibility criteria.

Processing time

The renewal process can take a few weeks. It is important to apply early to avoid any gaps in employment authorization.


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